Video Transcription
Brooks: Hey guys, it’s Brooks here with YNP Home Solutions. I’m here with my man Bill Powers who just recently told me his name was William. I’ve been calling him Bill the whole entire time. Anyway, we were able to help Will out with a property here in Hagerstown, Maryland, where he had experienced some other things with another house buying company that didn’t go so great. He gave us a call and we were able to help him out.
So without further ado, I’m going to let Bill explain his experience dealing with our company in his own words. So Bill, it’s all yours.
Bill Powers: Alrighty. Thank you. Everything that Brooks told me has happened exactly the way he told me. I’m very satisfied with what we’re doing. I’m very happy with the way the whole thing’s going and I’m quite satisfied. I’d recommend him highly.
Brooks: There you go guys. So if you’ve got a property that you’re interested in selling here in Hagerstown or any other part of the Tri State, give us a call. YNP Home Solutions would like to be your solution to help you with your problem property. You can reach us at (240) 244-3953. Will, I appreciate it and I just called you Will again.
Bill Powers: Yes, you did.
Brooks: Bill, I certainly appreciate you allowing us to help you out and work alongside of us.
Bill Powers: Not a problem. Not a problem.
Brooks: Been a pleasure and he’s been more of a friend than anything now. We were on the phone regularly, so you know, it’s been great.
Anyway, guys, thanks a lot. Will, Bill. Take care.